Alleviate These Winter Blues

I have a top five list to reduce these winter times blues and eliminate stress, depression and anxiety…

  1. LAVENDER—- Grab some oil and mix it into a carrier oil and give your self an aroma therapy rub down.
  2. Passionfruit Tea—-Grab some tea and unwind..(Warning this tea will put you to sleep)
  3. Cut out and BLOCK out all negativity for a week
  4. Rent a bunch of comedies and spend the day watching them and laughing
  5. Meditate and Pray…….

Try these things out and let me know how it goes!!!!

Meditate More…Stress Less

Meditational Type of Day

It’s a rainy day and rain takes you to a perfect meditational zone. Pour some essential oils into a turner or diffuser, turn off the lights and zone out. Roll of the window and as the rains drop down below close your eyes and get into meditational zone.

Meditation works!!!!

Essential Oils

Cedarwood—balancing, strengthening

Lavender- Calming, peace

Eucalyptus- Energy and great for those stuffy noses

Rosemary- Cleansing, energy, clearing those nostrils out

Lemon- Cheerful, Cleansing

Feel free to drop you favorite mixture on the page or favorite meditational guided series…